I’m Gwendolyn Richards, a food writer and photographer based in Calgary, AB and this is where I chronicle my love for cooking, baking, eating while traveling, photography and very shiny shoes.
A former cop reporter, I started this blog as a creative outlet to counteract my days of covering crime and calamity and eventually turned it into a full-time food writing job at the Calgary Herald where I now write about food trends, review cookbooks and share some of my own recipes. I can occasionally be spotted on television cooking with morning news hosts or eating things like steak and wings, which, I argue, are perfectly reasonable breakfast items.
I like vintage cocktails — especially a well-made Bourbon Sour — any kind of lemon dessert and I believe a fantastic burger is one of the most perfect foods in the world. An excellent night out is when I can enjoy all three while wearing patent, peep-toe heels. Red, of course.
My first cookbook Pucker, published by Whitecap Books, is now available.
Follow my food adventures on Twitter (@gwendolynmr), Instagram (@gwendolynmr) or on Facebook. Or contact me by email at gwendolyn_richards@hotmail.com.
Fabulous blog…will definitely be popping by for inspiration on a regular basis…but where are the famous cookies???
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I was here. I drooled. Good work.
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Great shoes
Whiskey sour. Hmmm. I used to make a mean Manhattan. My mom taught me the art when I was 10. Used to serve them to her Bridge Club. Today they’d report her to social services.
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I absolutely love the images! You should make a cookbook and supply your own pictures!
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Thanks Wannabe, that’s really sweet.
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Everything looks so delish! I love the photos and I love your style. I just happened to stumble on your website today and I can assure you that I will be an avid reader.
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Wow, I miss the 50′s. Thanks for the memories! Great blog. Photos to die for…and the food? Pssshhhhh, enough said!
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Ah, my sista done you well to mention your blog. The cookies are in the oven as we speak, er, email. Smelling terrific – oooo they’re done and soft in the middle. oh oh oh can’t talk, my mouf if full
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love the pics, love the food….
how about more pics of the shoes?!
you are so inspirational
Take it easy,
~yours, reenie
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Hi, I find you web site on flickr (http://www.flickr.com/groups/foodblogger/discuss/72157608516772224/)… your photos are very kind and clean… bye
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YA-UM, nice site buddy. im gunna do the spag-bog sauce now….
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I was looking for a great pasta recipe when a good friend of mine and yours, Susie told me about your site. Fabulous pics and recipe! keep up the great work! btw, luv your red high heels! I have a pair too
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This is my food blog of the month.
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Lovely site. Gorgeous photos. Can I ask you what kind of camera you use, and lens. thanks for inspiring me to hang out more in my kitchen.
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I love your site. Keep it up !
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I accidentally came across your simple yet striking website when searching for balsamic reduction! I love the photography. I will definitely bookmark & come by often. Thanks.
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Just stumbled on your blog. You take beautiful photos. Can’t wait to dig in and read more.
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Gwensang. Great job. I love this blog, the photos, the recipes, the writing!! You must parlee this into something bigger. This is definitely your calling.
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Ahhhhh … Gwen! “Divoon” yummies and awesome snaps! I’ll be checkin’ in bunches. Hot as the proverbial kitchen here in Van and we can’t get out!
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How does one subscribe to your Blog?
I have just spent 2 hours here this morning and would like to receive updates but I d0 not see a place to sign up.
What a great Food Blog this is!!!
Hot Pepper Dave (from flickr)
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Gwen, are you on Twitter? U must!
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I am indeed. I’ve just added a button. But you can find me on twitter under the name of gwendolynmr.
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Great website… I really appreciate simplicity of the layout and the quality of the photography. Now following you on twitter too.
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Hi Gwendolyn,
Just discovered your blog. Looks great, I’ll be checking in often from now on.
cheers, Amy
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Howdy Gwendolyn, was sent to your site via Slashfood, and I am throughly impressed. I have browsed your blog, and I can not wait to start cooking. I hope that I can create food as appetising as you make it.
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Hi! Just adding myself to the roster of people who have discovered your blog and are instantly a fan.
I’m bookmarking you and will check back often! You rock!
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Hello – A big thanks because somehow your blog directed a bunch of traffic to my new blog yesterday! (assuming through the WP generated “similar content”.) I’ve been a reader for a while and love your content, and the photography is amazing. Thanks and I look forward to continuing to follow you!
Cheers! amy
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Great cupcakes you kitchen witch…I meant what I said about getting with before you leave Chicago. It was great meeting you and I hope you hit me back immediately so we can have some fun before you leave town…MP
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I’ve just found your blog again after 3 days of continuous Google searching, which is testament to how much I liked it when I read it a while back (and then forgot the name)! But glad to be back. It really is one of the most enjoyable food blogs out there. One thing though … I can’t seem to see the more recent photos anymore. Have you changed the way you put them up?
Looking forward to reading and salivating more
Anna x
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Anna, I’m not sure what’s happening with the photos for you. For the first post or two, I had WordPress host them, but now all of my photos are on Flickr. I don’t know why they’re not showing up for you….? Keep me posted.
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Now the photos have come back (although some others have gone). And great they look too. It’s probably something at my end. I do read this at work so they’re probably not happy with me!
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ooh Patent, I love your baking blog. Thought you’d like to know how I found it…A friend of mine who recently moved to Canada messaged me yesterday saying she was off work, bored and my fate was in her hands for the day. Whatever I suggested, she would do on her day off. I gave her three options a) bake a cake that I would like b) do something involving the letter L c) be inspired by the 1950′s. She later sent me photo’s of her day where she had combined all 3 by baking your luscious lemon & earl grey cupcakes whilst listening to La Roux and dressed in suitable 50′s style baking garmets . She tells me they are lovely, the photo’s are very impressive and she promises to bake me some when I visit this summer. Thanks for the inspiration on her behalf and for ensuring I have lovely cakes awaiting me when I arrive in Canada. I shall be baking some of your lovely things myself asap.
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Ha ha, the English Fox has corroborated my story!! See my comment left yesterday evening on the Earl Grey Cupcakes recipe page! If only there was a way of posting a picture of my efforts on here to show you how hard I tried. Have a great day Gwendolyn and thanks again for the inspiration!! x
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I just found your site through a blog directory — I am already a fan. Your blog is well done with great-looking recipes, wonderful writing, and fantastic photos. I have bookmarked you on Google Friend Connect and will follow you in that manner. I look forward to reading the archives and cooking some of your great dishes. Thanks for sharing your love of food with all of us.
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I’ve just discovered your blog whilst searching for Earl Grey tea recipes. It is awesome! Gorgeous photos and some tasty sounding things to bake – I’ll be giving loads of them a try. Thank you for brightening up my day here in Scotland!
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I love your photos (and the food too, of course). What kind of set-up do you have? Looks like you use natural light. I’ve added a link on my blog.
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Hi Gwendolyn,
Just discovered your scrump-delicious blog through your flourless cookie recipe online at The Montreal Gazette. (I live in central Ontario.) My Mom was a little bored with her usual rhubarb recipes so I made your Rhubarb Pudding Cakes. To die for. Thanks so much for sharing. Then I came across your mentioning Dream Squares. These (I was so sure that’s what they were called) were the ONLY thing in my early teens that I ever wanted to bake. Haven’t baked them in over 30 years. Searched high and low. Finally found the recipe in ‘The New Purity Cook Book’, page 151, but they’re called Choco-Toffee Dream Bars. I, however, always omitted the chocolate chips as they weren’t a fave of mine back then. I think just about all our mothers of the 50s (Canadian) had this cookbook. Not sure if these bars are similar to your faves but next time you get the urge perhaps you might want to give them a try.
The base is 2 c. flour, 1/2 c. brown sugar, 1/4 tsp. salt, and 3/4 c. soft butter pressed into a greased 13″ x 9″ pan and baked at 350° for 10 mins. The topping is 1/4 c. flour, 1/2 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. salt. In another bowl, beat 2 eggs until foamy, stir in 1 tsp. vanilla and 1 1/2 c. brown sugar. Blend in dry ingredients. Then stir in: 1 c. coconut, 1 c. plumped raisins (covered with boiling water, let stand 5 mins., then drain), 3/4 c. chopped walnuts (or pecans, etc.), and 1 1/2 c. chocolate chips. Spread over baked pastry. Return to oven and bake for an additional 25 – 30 mins. Cool and cut into bars. Makes 4 dozen. Enjoy.
– Elaine Here in Cottage Country –
And re the totally uncalled for destructive criticism you received last month,
“Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember, the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar
“Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do.” – Dale Carnegie
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Beautiful pictures!! Are you a professional photographer?
I’m also into the food blog world, it would be great if you can visit my blog and leave a comment/suggestion.
Keep posting!!!
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Thanks for the compliment! I’m not a professional, just a photography enthusiast. : )
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Julie – I love your top-notch photos, recipes and writing!
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Hi Gwendolyn!
I loved your pumpkin spice cupcake recipe. I hope you don’t mind but I gave you a BIG shout-out on my latest blog post. Happy holidays!
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Hey there!
I don’t mind at all. I’m glad you like the blog and that you’re putting the recipes to good use. Your cupcakes look fantastic!
Happy baking!
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Hi Gwendolyn!
I came across your wonderful site while looking for a picture of, of all things, Brussels sprouts… The baking photos and writing are gorgeous- you’re a true diva among bloggers.
I hope I’ve properly credited your picture (on my credits/links page) and that you don’t mind me putting in a link to your blog- I’m still getting the hang of the wordpress thing!
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heyy im 13 and i LOVE cooking. im in the process of making a cookbook
. I always check your blog to see if u have any new desserts 
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your photos are lovely and the style of writing matches.
great blog.
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Thanks for the sweet treats – Lisa brought some back with her from last night’s party. She said you gave them to her for me – but she could have just stolen them for all I know. Regardless, they were delicious. It was wonderful to learn you can cook just as well as you write and photograph!
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Love the website I feel inspired to create.
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Are you in Edmonton, or Calgary? can’t believe I just discovered your lovely site!
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I have a question on a serious tip…how hard is it to patent food? I make a mean peach cobbler and was thinking of getting a patent for it. Also, if I wan ted to introduce my product to some local restaurants, what would be the best way to do that. I would appreciate any feedback you may have.
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Diggin’ the new look! Lovely font choice! It looks like I’m opening the pages of a fancy cookbook. Hmm, a hint of things to come? You should self-publish a cookbook since your words and photos are so beautiful! I know of at least one buyer in Victoria!! Cheers!!
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Hi Gwen! I’ve just joined Pinterest and I HAD to add the Momofuku and the Mustard Butter Broccoli recipes, the two recipes I love the most! I added the link to my comment so that others may enjoy your work!
-Laura T
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